Module Formats
We currently offer our self-paced, on-demand CEU modules in three different formats:
Multimedia Tutorials
These are self-paced tutorials that consist of multimedia content (including audio narration, text, graphics, and sometimes video or animations). They are mastery-based, requiring correct responding to advance, and developed using principles from behavioral approaches to education, such as programmed instruction, the personalized system of instruction, and behavior skills training. They look like this:
Learn more with our Tutorials FAQ.
Interactive Videos
Interactive videos feature leading experts in the field and have questions and other interactive content embedded directly within the video. As you watch the video, questions will automatically pop up. They are also mastery-based and require correct responding to advance through the video. They look like this:
Learn more with our Videos FAQ.
Article Quizzes
Article quizzes allow you to earn CEUs by keeping up with the behavioral science literature. These modules consist of a research article and a quiz to test comprehension. A passing score on the quiz is required to earn a certificate of completion. They look like this:
Learn more with our Articles FAQ.