Where is the notes tool?

We no longer offer a note-taking tool on our site. We used to offer a simple tool that could be used to during modules to record personal notes. Unfortunately, the software we used for that tool proved increasingly unreliable and was causing problems on our site. There are also many third-party note-taking tools and browser extensions available now that are much more sophisticated and useful than our simple tool. Thus, we decided to retire our notes tool in January 2022. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

If you're looking for a new way to take notes on our website (or any website!), you can try Zoho Notebook (free), Google Keep (also free), Evernote (both free and paid plans), and Microsoft OneNote (included if you use Microsoft 365). LifeWire has a nice overview of note-taking apps, too. 

In addition, when we retired our notes tool we also added PDF versions of our tutorials for you to download. We found that many users were simply copying and pasting text from the lesson into the notes tool, so we figured "Why not just give them all the text?" You can download the PDF version of any tutorial for your notes or future references from the "Materials" tab found on every tutorial home page.


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