How do I connect to a course or enter my course connection code?

You don't. Not anymore, anyway.

If your instructor has asked you to purchase "premium access" to one or more of our tutorials, "connect" to their course, or use a "course connection code," then they are using outdated instructions for an old version of our site. FoxyLearning does not use course connection codes anymore. When we relaunched our site in January 2020, we also revamped the way instructors can use our learning modules for their courses. Namely, we launched coursepacks.

For an instructor to be able to track your progress and performance on any of our learning modules, they must create a coursepack on our site. When students purchase that coursepack, they will be given immediate access to any assigned modules and placed in a private group for that course, allowing the instructor to track their performance. Students who have purchased modules directly (rather than purchasing the coursepack) can be placed in the coursepack group manually upon request.

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