A lesson, video, quiz, or button is not loading or slow

If a lesson, video, quiz, or button is not loading or is very slow to load, please try the following:

  1. Make sure you have a good internet connection. FoxyLearning requires a constant internet connection to work properly.
  2. If you're sure that your internet connection is good, do the following:
    1. Log out of our website
    2. Clear your browser's cache (see https://bit.ly/foxyclearcache for instructions)
    3. Log back in to our website

Taking these steps should resolve the browser cache or cookie issues that likely caused the problem. If taking those steps doesn't help, try accessing our site using a different web browser (here is a list of the most popular). Your current browser may have an extension, add-on, or setting that is interfering with our site's operations and switching browsers might help.

If you continue to experience the problem after trying these things, let us know and we'll do some additional troubleshooting.

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